+44 (0)800 464 0365

Java Review & Optimisation

Remove the complexity of Java licensing, our experts will identify your usage, remove risks and optimise your costs.

a smiling person looking at a laptop


Java is a ubiquitous piece of software in any estate. The service provides an all-encompassing view of where and how Java is used and how SW vendors license it.

It also identifies technical and licensing risks and how to choose the best remedy.

a smiling person looking at a laptop


  • Assessment of Java deployment in your estate, licensing workshop and a security and licencing risk assessment.

  • Library of SW vendors support for Java code and API.

a smiling person looking at a laptop


  • Measurement of the deployment on End-user and Server estates, and bespoke assessments of SW Vendors with Java API.

  • Identification of Java versions and the ITS and licensing risks as well as how to most optimally licence Oracle Java and other distributions.

  • Gain Insight

    Accurate Measurement of End User and Server estates

  • Remove Uncertainty

    Ensure cost optimal future IT estate

  • Optimisation

    Mitigate risk and establish optimal Java strategy

A bespoke remedy

Oracle Java services can be created, configured and scaled very quickly across on-premise or cloud services, potentially creating a complex licensing risk.

Our expert service will quickly assess Java usage, remove risk and establish an optimal Java Strategy for future deployments.

Let us do the heavy lifting.

Java Review & Optimisation
White Paper

two people wearing suits at an office desk
“We went from being sufficiently licenced to efficiently licenced, saving millions of pounds.”
Head of Licensing, Financial Services

Find out more.. how do we review and optimise Java?

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